Saturday, January 23, 2016

Gearing Up For Season Two!

Hello all, it's been a super long time since I updated this Outlander blog and a lot has happened since my last top ten list. What with the Golden Globes, and the Critic's Choice Awards and the People's Choice Awards and the BAFTAs and all the other awards of the season. I have been super busy getting settled into my new place, role playing (basically writing a story with another person) and trying to keep up on the latest news. Thankfully life has settled down and wouldn't you know it's nearly just in time for the start of Season Two. Last April, if you had told me I would have to wait a whole year for a new season, I would of told you I wouldn't of made it. Droughtlander 2.0 has truly been that. The worst kind of drought imaginable.

There have been quite a few casting reveals but as of this post we are still not aware of who they have cast as Bree though Richard Rankin was announced as Roger Mac way back in the middle of December. Outlander production says they are close so finger's crossed we at least have that. Come on Ron, announce it for Valentine's Day and we'll love you forever (maybe).

So, with Season Two being just roughly over two months away (depending on when they decide to premier since we only have April and not a specific date), I think it was time to discuss a game plan to really get back in the Outlander Spirit. I for one, have quite the plan to which I will share with you lovely people, my dear readers who are honestly the most amazing people there are.

First thing's first, I'm going to start a reread of Dragonfly in Amber. It's only my eighth time, but honestly, I might of missed something. You never know. Amiright?

I was also hoping to revisit the first season of Outlander by watching two episodes a week over the next couple of months, if only to pass the time until the Season Two Premier. Even though the last eight months have been agony, these months leading up to the premier are true and total torture because it's SO CLOSE and yet SO FAR! Ya feel me?

I'm also enjoying discussions in my favorite Facebook groups that center around all that is Outlander and I started coloring in my Outlander Coloring Book but I'm not the best coloring person, as calming as it is. I really fucked up the skin tone of Claire standing with that printed dress on and I'm completely and totally ashamed. I was trying to color blend and used way to much of this pale yellow color to add something besides just peach. It didn't turn out so well.

OH! I forgot to mention that I also started up a facebook page. I know a lot of people don't follow twitter or tumblr and aren't big fans of joining facbeook groups. It's much easier to click like on a page. I get it, which is why for shorter posts that don't warrant a blog, I've now created a facebook page that ties in with everything else that is OutlanderSassenach. I will post the link at the end of the blog post if you care to give it a like. No pressure though!

Anyways, so while I spend the next couple of months re-emersing myself in the world of Outlander, I'm curious. What will you all be doing to gear up for Season Two? Feel free to reply in the comments.

Until next time Sassenachs!

OutlanderSassenach Facebook Page:

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